Investing & Saving
We believe that God allows us to manage His resources for several reasons:
1) To take care of our needs.
2) To care for those who depend on us.
3) To find the most we can to invest in His Kingdom work.
BFI works carefully to provide investment options that yield an acceptable rate of return, minimize risk, and help to fuel Kingdom Growth. All BFI accounts can be owned jointly or singly and a beneficiary form may be added for either an individual or charitable cause.
Cash Management
BFI offers a high yield cash management (2.25% APR) with full liquidity and 36-48 hour account access. BFI can also establish an ACH (Automated Clearing House) arrangement with your bank for even faster access to your funds. BFI does not charge fees for cash management accounts.
Term Investments
BFI’s short-term (3 – 12 month) investment options offer a great fixed return with minimal risk. Most short-term funds are invested in US Treasury products and offer a fixed return as long as the securities are held to maturity.
BFI Bonds
BFI offers defined maturity bonds to support church and ministry capital projects. BFI bonds are sold in $1,000 increments. Long-term bonds may be held in either Roth or Traditional IRAs as well. Interest may be accumulated in cash management, distributed, or assigned to a charitable fund. BFI bond issue availability will be announced through our website, social media, email, and printed publications.
BFI bonds are secured by:
A first-position mortgage on the property
A loan is never made for greater than 50% of the property value.
Loan payments may not exceed 25% of a church or ministry’s unrestricted income.
BFI bonds have been default-free since their inception
Long Term Fixed Income (LTFI) Portfolio
Primarily used by individuals, churches and institutions who wish to invest in low-risk fixed income assets (primarily high grade municipals, corporate or government bonds, and a limited amount of preferred stock), need a reliable income stream (or have the ability to reinvest), and do not anticipate needing a return of principal for a year or more, the LTFI portfolio has an historic yield of 3.99% - 6.3% (net). Fees are 50/100 of a percent (50 basis points) for participation in this fund.
Blended Fund
The Blended Fund seeks to increase income while still realizing the traditional long term appreciation of the U.S. equities market. 50% of the fund is in BFI’s LTFI Portfolio (see above). 50% is comprised of the KNGIX, a publicly traded fund composed of 53 U.S. equities chosen by their increasing dividend yields for the last 25 years. The target yield for the Blended Fund is 7.5%. Fees are 50/100 of a percent (50 basis points) for sub $1,000,000 accounts and 35/100 of a percent (35 basis points) for accounts of $1,000,000 or greater.
Baptist Foundation of Illinois
3085 Stevenson Drive
Springfield, IL 62703
(217) 391-3116