Bond Issue 2024K Rhema Church
Invest in Kingdom growth and receive a fixed rate of 5.00%
Rhema International Church of Chicago, IL is seeking a $380,000 loan to purchase a new worship facility. Invest in BFI Bond issue 2024K supporting a loan to Rhema Church International and receive a fixed rate of 5.00% for all maturities.
Roll funds from your retirement account to BFI Bonds.
BFI Bond investments can be held within a traditional or Roth Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Rolling funds from your existing retirement account to invest in BFI bonds with a fixed rate of return is a great way to invest in Kingdom growth while adding stability to your retirement portfolio.
Email BFI or call (217) 391-3105 to learn how you can roll funds from your retirement account to invest in BFI bonds.
Baptist Foundation of Illinois
3085 Stevenson Drive
Springfield, IL 62703
(217) 391-3116